If you’ve ever had to change hairstylists, then you know the potential struggle. (Especially in a small town!)
How do I tell them?
Do I tell them?
Will they just figure it out?
Will they be upset with me?
Now your reason for wanting to change could be a multitude of things: Prices, schedules, travel, or even boredom.
Whatever the reason, it can be uncomfortable.
As the hairstylist on the other side of that chair, I’m going to let you in on a little secret:
I don’t care.
And I don’t mean that in a snarky or bitchy way.
I actually mean it in the nicest way possible.
I’m letting you off the hook here.
Sounds weird, right? Shouldn’t I be a little pissed?
No. And here’s why.
I know that I’m a good hairstylist. I come to work, do great hair, connect with amazing humans, and go home fulfilled (albeit exhausted!) at night.
If you want to go elsewhere because our personalities don’t vibe? That’s ok! As long as I wasn’t disrespectful or rude to you, I have nothing to worry about.
Maybe you left because you didn’t like how I did your hair. COMPLETELY VALID. Because here’s the deal: I truly am better at some things than others, and someone else may be able to better accommodate your needs. Is that personal? Nope! You’re paying to get what you want, and if it’s not happening with me, you absolutely should try something else!
And maybe you just simply had a bad hair experience with me. Maybe I overprocessed your blonde. Or maybe I warned you that the blonde you demanded was going to dry your hair out, but you didn’t want to listen, and then made it my fault. Either way. The end result is seeking out a new hairstylist. Makes perfect sense to me. (Although I’d like to note here, if I mess up, I’m gonna tell you about it. I’m very up front when it comes to this, and making it right.)
And because this blog always has life lessons in it… you didn’t think I was done there, did you?
I’ll make it short and sweet:
Apply these same rules to the people who enter and exit your life.
Be so confident in yourself that it doesn’t matter what others do.
Because the way I see it, when someone leaves my chair (or life), it simply opens up my schedule for the ones who do vibe with me.
I appreciate those people who choose to be in my life (and chair!) SO stinking much.
And appreciation for the good? That’s Luxuriously Dope.