What is 'Normal', anyway?
I know. I know.
We've all heard this cliche question. It’s especially popular right now, with allllll the stuff going on in our world.
(For the sake of this blog, I’ll warn you: this post was started “Pre-‘Rona”. So if you think that’s where this is headed... that’s not necessarily the case. But if you apply it there, I guess you could do that.)
So what is normal?
When it comes down to it, normal is whatever you say it is.
Ummmm...... WTF does that mean?
It means that whatever your perception of normal is, is truth. It's more of an opinion, than a fact. Whatever is normal for me, maybe isn't for you.
For example: My normal routine is to get up and workout. I normally work three days a week. Someone who doesn't do this may not find that normal. They may perceive it to be lazy on the hours worked. Or overkill on the staying home with the kid thing. Or way too many hours away from my kid, from a stay-at-home-mom.
It could be over the top on the workouts. Or selfish to care about working out. Or awesome, above, and beyond, to someone who has never touched a dumbell. Or it may be lazy to the bodybuilder who kills it 6-7 days a week in the gym.
Someone's normal is someone else's 'Whaaat the....?!'
But that’s MY normal.
These are concrete examples. When it comes to what is on the inside (personality, opinions, etc), it can be harder to see. We are quick to pass judgement on someone else, when in reality, that's simply their normal reality.
It's ALLLLLL subjective, people!
(Per the usual, I will make a sidenote about the subjective claim. I don’t mean that the color red is subjective. It is what it is: red. The subjective part is how you perceive the color red. Do you love it? Or maybe you despise it, due to some weird thing in your past. Or you don’t give two craps about a stupid color. But at the end of the day, the color is still red. Regardless.)
Jen Sincero nails it when she states, 'Two people can walk out of the same movie, one person clinging to the walls, bloodshot and devastated, leaving a trail of tissues, more moved by this film than any other film in the history of cinema while the other person goes marching up to the ticket counter and demands her money back because she thought it was the worst piece of garbage to ever be projected onto a screen. One movie, two very different experiences. Why? Because it’s not about the movie, it’s about the moviegoers.’
Boom. (Man, I really love ol’ Jen Sincero.)
Likewise, my normal and your normal are likely different- so why do we insist on trying to be something that is different for every person?!
Kinda cray.
And extremely unauthentic.
I think we should all do what we do.
And let everyone else do what they do.
We can all be nice, because we realize that everyone's reality and normal is likely a little different! And thank goodness for that- it would be pretty boring if we all were just ‘normal’ clones.
So what is 'normal'?
I guess it depends on who you ask.
Either way, your normal is absolutely Luxuriously Dope.